In 1978 when Isaac Mintz was three years old, his parents Pat and Chuck Mintz realized he was different. Two years later there was an opportunity to move to New Jersey and Pat discovered the Princeton Child Development Institute (PCDI). This was the perfect school program for Isaac. With two years of instruction and learning and working with experts from PCDI, Pat and Chuck were exposed to new approaches to raising and educating Isaac.
Isaac learned how to recite the prayers and light the candles for Hanukah at PCDI. Returning to the Cleveland area, the Mintz family joined Temple Ner Tamid in Euclid, Ohio. Isaac was a Bar Mitzvah on his thirteenth birthday and continues to enjoy observing Jewish holidays and participating in Jewish life.
Locally with educators from Mayfield Public Schools and the Cuyahoga East Vocational Educational Consortium (CEVEC), Isaac gained workplace skills in a library setting. Isaac volunteered in the high school libraries to gain more skills. After high school graduation, he received support from the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities and the Cleveland Law Library Director to be placed in a position with the tasks of a library page.
He worked at the Cleveland Law Library Association and held his job until budget cuts eliminated his position 12 years later. Meanwhile, his parents worked with other parents of Jewish young adults with special needs to create a family consortium residence and hired JFSA to staff and manage the home. Named Ruach House (meaning spirit), the kosher household is home to four adults who enjoy very active lives.
Some residents participate in JFSA’s Adult Day Support program. JFSA created an experience that stimulates growth, allows for creativity, helps people become more physically active, connects participants to their community, and most importantly, customizes the activities for each participant based on what their needs are.
“Now Isaac is able to better dictate exactly what his program should be around his strengths and interests and he has flourished within it,” says Pat. Isaac has a passionate interest in art and music programs. Isaac participates in ceramics class, painting, aerobics, walking, field trips to museums and going out to eat with his friends. “Because he participates in so many activities with others, he has become more social and connected to the community,” says Pat. “Unlike other programs, this program has allowed Isaac to reach out and do things with other people. He likes to share his experiences with others and that has made a big difference in the quality of his life.”