The JFSA Board of Directors is a group of visionary community leaders committed to fostering positive change and embodying the principle of Tikkun Olam – repairing the world. Their leadership ensures that every initiative and service we provide aligns with our goal of strengthening families and community.
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Board Officers
Patty Rubin*
Board Chair
Mike Klein*
Vice Chair
Idelle Wolf*
Vice Chair
Michael Guggenheim*
Adam Wieder*
Assistant Treasurer
Moish Tohn*
Susan Bichsel, PhD*
President & CEO
Zach Abrams
Gary Bilchik
Ethan Cohen*
Bonnie Cole
Mike Cole
Shoshana Dessler-Jacobs
Tim Goldberg
Sandra Goldman
Alan Goldner*
Richard Halle
Michelle Hirsch*
Mitch Lapin
Susi Meisel*
Josh Miller DO
Roy Minoff
Wendi Pavlofsky*
Allan Pearl
Taryn Ponsky
Kevin Robertson
Larry Rothstein
Michele Rothstein*
Eric Shapiro MD
Erica Starrfield
Evan Stein*
Terri Steindler*
Judy Klein Willensky
Jonathan Wise*
Richard Zelin
Life Directors
Trish Adler
Marilyn Bedol
Eileen Blattner*
Robert Blattner*
Cynthia Bruml*
Philip Cohen
David Goldberg
Sally Good
Sidney Good
Herbert Goulder
Kent Hayes
Robert Immerman
Suellen Kadis*
Dolores Kleinman
Andrew Kohn
Harvey Kotler
Marvin Lader
Charles Mintz
Patricia Mintz
Karen B. Newborn
Dianne Newman
Shari Perlmuter*
Michael Peterman
Charles Rosenberg
David Rosenberg MD*
James Spira
Myrna Spira
Eleanor Steigman**
David Strauss
Will Sukenik
Phillip Wasserstrom
Sally Wertheim PhD
John Wirtshafter*
Renny Wolfson*
William Wortzman*
Dan Zelman
* Member of Executive Committee
** Of Blessed Memory