Since 1875, JFSA Cleveland has provided progressive solutions to individuals and families to help them face life’s challenges with confidence. We work together with families to find the right solution, whether dealing with issues surrounding mental illness, developmental disabilities, aging, domestic violence, homelessness, financial distress and many others.

JFSA’s impact in Northeast Ohio is inspiring. Whether through JFSA Cleveland, JFS Akron, Hebrew Shelter Home or the Cleveland Chesed Center, individuals and families find solutions to face life’s challenges with confidence.
kosher meals were delivered to older adults by volunteers.
nights of temporary emergency shelter provided through the Hebrew Shelter Home.
Holocaust Survivors received assistance with reparations, personal care, case management, and help obtaining food, clothing and medical care.
individuals with serious mental illness received mental health services.
households made over 6,197 visits to the Cleveland Chesed Center’s kosher food pantry.
families received Kosher for Passover groceries easing their financial burden at Passover time.
individuals and families received help from the Alzheimer’s & Dementia program.
medical appointments in podiatry, ophthalmology, dentistry, and geriatrics were provided through Alyson’s Place Medical Clinic.
residential sites throughout Northeast Ohio provided housing for adults with developmental disabilities and adults with mental illness.
domestic violence survivors were helped with services throughout the community.
students received $1, 846,140 in grants, loans and scholarship for the 2023-2024 school year through the College Financial Aid program.

Your support helps ensure that JFSA Cleveland will continue to help individuals and families face life’s challenges far into the future.


The Latest from JFSA

150th Anniversary Celebration

2025 marks JFSA’s 150th year of strengthening families and building community. We are busy planning a year of activities that will inform and inspire the community.

Share Your JFSA Story!

Did you or a member of your family receive help from JFSA attending college? Did JFSA help your grandparents or parents immigrate to Cleveland? Has JFSA helped a member of your family with special needs? Have you ever volunteered with JFSA? We invite individuals and families to share their JFSA story with us for a […]

Israel Seminary Scholarship Opportunity

Deadline: April 1, 2025 Applications must include a seminary acceptance letter to be considered complete. The scholarship fund total of $30,000 will be distributed among all approved applicants. Funds are distributed directly to seminary after the student arrives in Israel. Click on the button below to complete the online application.

JFSA Makes My Day… Meaningful!

A few people admiring artwork

JFSA seeks caring people to join our family, offering a wide range of career opportunities that provide meaningful work to individuals.