Employment Services is a multifaceted program that helps individuals with developmental disabilities or mental illness gain, maintain and thrive in suitable employment.
JFSA assists individuals with obtaining and retaining employment by finding a natural “fit” between clients’ strengths and experiences and jobs. All employment specialists have significant training and experience working with individuals with disabilities and carry caseloads that enable personal attention to every client.
Supported Employment
This program serves individuals who live in Cuyahoga County who have a mental health diagnosis.
- Job Development and Retention
- Job Clubs
- Basic Computer Training
- Peer Support Services
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
This program serves individuals with various disabilities including developmental or physical, disabilities, hearing or visual impairment, or mental illness, who have been referred to us by the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities program. Since 2003, this program has achieved a 69% placement rate, well above the state average of 56%.
Services are comprehensive and can include:
- Work Incentive Planning
- Vocational Consultations and Evaluations
- Community-based Assessments
- Community-based Work Adjustments
- Bridge Support
- Computer Training
- Job Development Services
- On the job supports/Job Coaching
Waiver Services through Department of Development Disabilities (DODD)
This program serves individuals with developmental disabilities who have a DODD waiver.
Services can include:
- Career Discovery
- Career Exploration
- Situational Assessments
- Employment Plan Development
- Job Development
- Worksite Accessibility
- On the job supports
- Benefits Analysis
JFSA is a contract agency of the Cuyahoga, Geauga, and Summit County Boards of Developmental Disabilities, and an Individual Options Waiver and Level One provider.